World IP Day, April 26, 2019

CIFE is celebrating World IP Day today, Friday, April 26. Intellectual property is the economic engine that drives the American and global economies. Did you know that 45,000,000 (that’s 45 …

The STRONGER Patents Act of 2017

Over the past several weeks, CIFE provided critical facts related to the protection and promotion of intellectual property, specifically related to the current U.S. patent system and The STRONGER Patents …

Say Yes to H.R. 3441

CIFE signed on to the below letter to Congress, discussing the importance of passing the Save Local Business Act, to show our strong support for the bill. The undersigned organizations write …

2017 IP Index

In an increasingly globalized world, few policy areas are as relevant as intellectual property. As nations continue to navigate this changing world, it is imperative we focus on how essential …